Higher education in the UK

Getting a tower in the United Kingdom is very prestigious, especially for Russian–speaking people. Some universities in England have a real history, because they are hundreds of years old.

After school, the applicant chooses several higher educational institutions:

  1. College.
  2. University.

Higher education can last from six to eight years: 3 years are allocated for bachelor’s degree, 1-2 for master’s degree and 2-3 for postgraduate studies. Students take exams for admission to the university, after which they participate in a competition for places. The higher the score, the more likely you are to be enrolled at the university.

One of the most memorable differences between the British education system and the Russian one is the presence of separate closed schools for boys and girls. This tradition has its roots in the distant past and to this day it is believed that it distracts children less from their studies. It is also worth noting the evaluation system. If in Russia these are points, then in the UK they use a rating system from A to U.