As you know, it is necessary to work well, but you also need to rest. And it should be noted that the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees each worker the right to rest. Another thing is far from always the employer agrees to provide leave. How to achieve compliance with your rights? First of all, you need to have a clear idea of what exactly is supposed to the employee, in accordance with the current legislation. If we abstract from various industry features, then the minimum duration of the main paid annual leave is approximately 28 calendar days. This norm is clearly enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 115).The enterprises usually draw up a vacation schedule. Of course, when creating it, the personal wishes of the employees are taken into account, but at the same time the production necessity. So in the end, the approved vacation schedule may differ slightly from its original option. Therefore, the employer must notify the employee in two weeks before the vacation begins. Moreover, no applications are required from the employee himself, just put your signature on the notification (or on the order – this form is issued much more often). The vacation time, of course, is discussed with the employee. But if you, for example, want to go on vacation in June, and the employer agrees to provide it only in October, there is no information or norm about this in the Labor Code, or legislative acts that would force the administration to change the decision. So all issues can be resolved only at the negotiation level. If the employee does not receive such a notification or order at all, and no one is releasing him on vacation, he has the right to file a complaint with the name of the head of the enterprise (only such a written complaint should be officially registered in the journal of the outgoing correspondence, with the appropriation of the corresponding number). If there were no response actions on the part of the administration, more decisive measures can be taken, for example, to contact a trade union organization or even to the State Labor Inspectorate. However, all their actions can only be extended to those employees who work officially, with the drawing up of a contract and an entry in the work book. Otherwise, the employee will not have any measures to influence the employer.
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