Knowed by their serious attitude to work and the rational use of working time, the Germans decided to prohibit smoke breaks generally. According to the Federal Union of Central Business enterprises in Germany, a lot of time is spent on smoking during working hours.
Walking on a smoke break is forced and non -smokers to be distracted, thereby the workflow is violated, practical Germans believe. They made a proposal to ban smoking during work. Since 2008, in Germany, since 2008, a ban on the manifestation of a detrimental habit in public places has been operating. Now we have taken up the jobs. According to statistics in this country, 21% of the population smoke. Therefore, not everyone supported such an initiative even in parliament. Representatives of the Germany of the Social Democratic Party believe that such a step is discrimination against smoking. They are against prohibiting even small smoke breaks in workplaces.
In Russia, there are so far no obstacles to avid smokers. However, a bill is already being prepared, which can strongly shake their rights and earnings of tobacco companies. According to available information, the project developers offer an absolute ban on smoking in public places. Places for smoking in the public transport system will be eliminated. It is proposed to limit the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products. In addition, to completely prohibit advertising and propaganda of smoking.
The reason for such dragon measures, activists call Russia joining to the WHO Convention and the fight against smoking. The bill is posted on the website of the Ministry of Health, where everyone can familiarize themselves and offer its vision. So far, employees of the ministry noted, only those who are opposed to smoking make proposals. The wishes have already been put forward to introduce criminal liability for the spread of tobacco, as for a narcotic substance. Radicals opposed smoking even in houses, that is, on the territory of the smoker and fine them. Although, even Anapa’s sanatoriums and boarding houses are trying to forbid vacationers to smoke publicly, but only in specially designated places – this is a good sign for the tourist segment of the Russian Federation.
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