After 15 years, a kindergarten was restored and opened on the farm. 35 million rubles were allocated for its reconstruction. We also purchased new equipment and furniture. Residents of the Farm of Aginov, located in the Bogaevsky district, can celebrate a wonderful event – the second birth of the kindergarten “Fairy Tale”. After the closure in 1998, the overhaul of the preschool institution began as a whole 15 years after 15 years. Especially for these purposes, city and regional authorities allocated money in the amount of 35 million rubles for its reconstruction. The building was restored and equipped in all modern trends. Moreover, for the training and development of small peanuts for a kindergarten, an additional amount was allocated in the amount of more than a million rubles in order to provide decent training conditions for the younger generation. Various toys for pupils, upholstered and educational furniture, cabinets of compartment, kitchen utensils and many other items that will make a stay in the institution more comfortable and convenient were purchased for these funds. For 40 children of the age category from 2 to 6 years, absolutely all conditions for a good pastime and effective development will be provided. They are awaiting comfortable bedrooms, an equipped first -aid post, relaxation rooms, a dining room, a sports hall, a music office for classes. Wonderful platforms with swings and sandboxes are built on the territory of the kindergarten where the kids will be happy to spend time. The territory of the garden is fenced and an automatic alarm is installed, which will work at the slightest suspicion of fire. According to the governor, only last year they provided more than 9 thousand seats. According to the plan, introduce at least 7 thousand.
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