Overwatch 2: community’s wishlist

Fans of the popular team shooter Overwatch from Blizzard Entertainment have long expressed hope for a sequel. The gaming community’s wishes for Overwatch 2 deserve further consideration.

Overwatch 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Blizzard Entertainment’s hit team-based shooter, promises to bring significant changes and new content to the beloved franchise. As the game’s development progresses, the Overwatch community has been vocal about their hopes and expectations for the sequel. This article explores the community’s wishlist for Overwatch 2, highlighting the features, improvements, and content players are eager to see.

Enhanced PvE Experience

One of the most anticipated features of Overwatch 2 is the introduction of an expanded PvE (player versus environment) mode. The community is excited about the potential for new story-driven content that delves deeper into the lore of the Overwatch universe.

Story Missions

Players are looking forward to story missions that provide rich narrative experiences, exploring the backgrounds and motivations of their favorite heroes. These missions should offer cooperative gameplay, allowing players to team up and tackle challenges together. The community hopes for a diverse range of missions that are replayable and offer meaningful rewards.

Hero Missions

In addition to story missions, the community is excited about hero missions, which are designed to be highly replayable and focused on individual hero progression. These missions should provide unique challenges and opportunities to experiment with different hero abilities and strategies.

Improved Hero Balance and Meta

Hero balance is a critical aspect of Overwatch, and the community has high expectations for Overwatch 2 to address existing balance issues and maintain a fair and competitive environment.

Regular Balance Updates

Players hope for more frequent and transparent balance updates that respond to community feedback and data. Regular adjustments to hero abilities and stats are essential to keeping the gameplay dynamic and ensuring no single hero or composition dominates the meta for too long.

Diverse Meta

A diverse and evolving meta is crucial for maintaining player interest and engagement. The community wishes for Overwatch 2 to foster a meta where a wide variety of heroes and strategies are viable, allowing for creative and unpredictable gameplay.

New Heroes and Maps

The addition of new heroes and maps is always a highlight for Overwatch players. Overwatch 2 is expected to introduce several new characters and locations, each bringing fresh gameplay dynamics and expanding the game’s universe.

Hero Design

The community is eager for new heroes that offer innovative abilities and playstyles. Players appreciate heroes that fill unique roles and contribute to diverse team compositions. The design of new heroes should consider both gameplay balance and lore integration, ensuring they fit seamlessly into the Overwatch world.

Map Variety

New maps are anticipated to provide diverse environments and objectives, keeping the gameplay experience fresh. The community hopes for a mix of traditional payload, control, and hybrid maps, as well as new game modes that introduce different strategic elements.

Quality of Life Improvements

Quality of life improvements can significantly enhance the player experience, making the game more enjoyable and accessible. The community has several key areas where they hope to see improvements in Overwatch 2.

Matchmaking and Competitive Play

Improved matchmaking and a more robust competitive play system are high on the community’s wishlist. Players want fairer matchmaking that accurately reflects skill levels and reduces queue times. Additionally, a more transparent ranking system and better incentives for competitive play are desired.

User Interface and Accessibility

An improved user interface that is more intuitive and customizable can greatly enhance the player experience. The community also hopes for better accessibility options, including features that accommodate players with disabilities and improve overall usability.

Expanded Social Features

Social features are an essential aspect of any multiplayer game, fostering a sense of community and enhancing the overall experience. Overwatch 2 has the potential to introduce new and improved social features that bring players closer together.

Clan and Guild Systems

Many players have expressed a desire for clan or guild systems that allow them to form and manage groups within the game. These systems can provide additional social interactions, coordinated play opportunities, and exclusive rewards.

Enhanced Communication Tools

Improved communication tools, such as voice chat enhancements, customizable quick chat options, and better reporting systems, are also on the community’s wishlist. Effective communication is crucial for team-based gameplay, and these tools can help facilitate better coordination and reduce toxicity.

Cosmetic Customization

Cosmetic customization is a beloved feature in Overwatch, allowing players to personalize their heroes and showcase their achievements. The community has high expectations for Overwatch 2 to expand on these customization options.

Skins and Cosmetics

Players are eager for new skins and cosmetic items that reflect the evolving art style and themes of Overwatch 2. The introduction of more legendary and themed skins, as well as unique cosmetics tied to events and achievements, is highly anticipated.

Hero Customization

Beyond skins, the community hopes for more in-depth hero customization options, such as customizable abilities or visual effects. These options can provide a more personalized gameplay experience and allow players to express their individual style.

Post-Launch Support

Ongoing support and content updates are crucial for the longevity of any game. The community has high hopes for Blizzard’s commitment to post-launch support for Overwatch 2.

Seasonal Events

Seasonal events have always been a highlight in Overwatch, and the community hopes for even more engaging and diverse events in Overwatch 2. These events should offer unique game modes, exclusive rewards, and thematic content that celebrate the game’s universe.

Roadmap and Communication

Players appreciate transparency and regular communication from the developers. A clear roadmap outlining upcoming content, balance changes, and community initiatives can help maintain player interest and trust.


Overwatch 2 has the potential to build on the success of its predecessor by addressing community feedback and introducing new and exciting features. From enhanced PvE experiences and improved hero balance to expanded social features and quality of life improvements, the community’s wishlist reflects their passion and hopes for the game’s future. As development continues, players eagerly await the chance to dive into the world of Overwatch 2 and experience the next chapter of this beloved franchise.