The bribery begins, coercion will win?

There have been no such elections in the south of Ukraine for eight years. This is confirmed by both observers and voters themselves. This time bribe and coercion were involved, as they say, to the whole coil.

In the stores of Pervomaisk of the Nikolaev region, the day before the elections, people were thrown into their hands with agitation for the power part, and “in the load” – also samples of ballots with ticks opposite the same batch.

In Voznesensk, a local printing house for its and several more areas made ballots without signs of protection. In the same town, as much as 1119 voters voted at home. Since the time of the Soviet elections, this indicator has been half as much. By the way, now in the region as a whole the number of voting houses also doubled. Like those who decided to come and vote against all.

But in the Fontanka of the Odessa region, these elections became “happy” for peasants. In each store and bar for the voter, “everything was paid” by the village head. Some are so “shone” that I did not reach the polling station. Although in other areas of the Odessa situation was not so cheerful. The law enforcement in the region was engaged in 6.3 thousand police officers, they were helped by 3.3 thousand cadets of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs and another 1.2 thousand members of public formations. However, the trouble still happened. In Odessa, at three in the night on Sunday, a member of one of the election commissions was brutally beaten. The investigation is underway.

One of the observers, Brien Mfford officially stated that, in his opinion, the election campaign in Odessa is the worst. Admin resource frankly, and sometimes too rudely intervened in the organization of the electoral process, working on the proceedings.