The Russian was saved on the South Korean trawler

Referring to the Russian Embassy in New Zealand, the ITAR-TASS information service reports that the citizen of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Mashkov, was successfully evacuated from the South Korean vessel that sank in the waters of the Antarctic.

So it is reported that the Russian was on the trawler as an observer. In total, on board the sunken vessel, which was called “Namber Uan” and belonged to InSung, there were forty -two people, eight of whom were Koreans, eight – Chinese, eleven – Indonesians, eleven Vietnamese, and three more – Philippines. Five crew members died.

South Korean trawler “Namber Uan” sank in the waters of the Antarctic, two thousand seven hundred kilometers south of New Zealand. Twenty people picked up another ship, which at that time was engaged in catching fish near the place of disaster. Another seventeen people are currently listed as missing. According to the Agency France-Presse news agency, rescuers express the doubt that the sailors will be able to find alive due to the fact that they were in cold water for too long.

At this time, there is no information regarding what could be the reason for the flooding of the vessel. Not one of the marine services did not receive a distress signal from the sunken trawler, and the specialists were not able to find a radio gun, which in such cases is thrown into the water. According to preliminary data, the ship sank very quickly – the sailors who were on it did not even have time to put on rescue vests and special costumes stored for such cases for a long stay in very cold water.