The value of transport in the economy

Each logistics specialist knows very well that one of the most important aspects of the effective development of not only the activities of an individual enterprise, but also the economy of the state as a whole, is transport.

More than the better, a complex of relations between participants in the economic market is more dynamic, the more important the role of the transport component of the entire economic system.

The main tasks of transport are:

– increase and acceleration of the movement of material flows;

– timely and produced in a sufficient supply of specific types of products or the services provided to the consumer;

– Transportation of people.

It is these designated categories that logists are considered to be key, since they directly affect economic (financial) interests and consumers of goods or services and manufacturers.

The implementation of these tasks can be carried out through the use of quite practical measures. For example, one of the means of increasing and accelerating the movement of material flows is rightly considered the use of unified transport capacities for them, the main one is the marine container. As for, for example, the timely supply of products, the organization of prefabricated goods is often solving this problem, for the transportation of which, we suppose, a container of 20 feet, the size of which is quite sufficient for the transport of goods of a significant volume (mass, quantity, etc. P.).

In a state with a normally developed transport system, up to 10 % of the working population and a huge number of production funds are involved in it. Accordingly, at the state level, it should be provided:

– an increase in the scale of coordination for the process of developing the infrastructure of the transport system, including regarding the integration of transport processes into production and distribution processes, and the formation of transportation multimodal systems built on the fundamental principles of logistics;

– ensuring not only tactical, but also strategic interests of economic security;

– solutions to the problems of ecology related to the operation of vehicles, as well as safety for people and material facilities in the process of this operation.