The deputies decided to introduce a tax on the bathroom and corridor. At the same time, Rada noted some clarification of concepts that belong to the residential and total area of the apartment.
The deputies also agreed that the main basis for taxation should still be the total rather than living space, this was said by the country’s resident Viktor Yanukovych. At the same time, in order to still reject the law, which was adopted by the parliament “on making possible changes to Article six of the Housing Code on the determination of the total and residential area of real estate”, according to the presidential proposal, 233 cards of the deputies of the People’s Assembly voted their vote. And those who need a branded coffee grinder, we recommend contacting friends website. According to the proposal of the president, the owner of the house, the total area of which is at least 1 thousand. square meters can well be registered with the help of redevelopment of the residential area within the limits that are not taxed. According to Yanukovych, thus pursuing the goal, the most fair approach to paying real estate tax will be much more advisable to establish the basis for compulsory taxation not the living area of the real estate object, but the general. In addition, the law, which entered the signature, made it possible to consolidate approaches on the basis of which the richest segments of the population remain in a privileged position. Taking into account the fact that the total area of the existing real estate of these citizens may turn out to be many times more than the one that the poor citizens own, nevertheless, the area with which the tax is paid may well may not differ.
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