Mozambique Government refused to freeze prices

Mozambique authorities refused to freeze food prices, even despite the recently held in the capital (g (g. Maputu) mass protest. According to the published “AFP”, this was stated by Alberto Kutumula, a representative of the cabinet of ministers, according to whom in this case the price increase is an “irreversible” process.

At the same time, the number of victims who died in the clashes of the police and demonstrators has already reached seven. According to Kutumula, it turns out that six people were killed on September 1, and another – September 2. Also, 288 demonstrators were injured of varying severity.

It is worth noting that based on the official statements made by the Mozambic authorities, it is impossible to understand whether the dead demonstrators were killed by police or their death is caused by other circumstances.

Maputa police are still working in aggressive mode. According to many metropolitan residents, on the night of September 2 in the city of Maputa, shots did not stop sounding.

“AFP” also clarifies that at the same time as rising prices for drinking water and products, the government raised the cost of utilities by 13.4% of the government.

On September 1, a demonstration directed against raising prices took place on Wednesday in Maputa. When the metropolitan authorities learned about the future action, they forbade its holding, but this did not stop people and they still decided to go out into the streets. The demonstration was broken by the appearance of police officers who dispersed the audience? Submitted to the toy store in Kyiv subsequently.

Police representatives argue that when the demonstration is suppressed, only rubber bullets were used, but according to the demonstrators, the crowd was shot by combat cartridges. Doctors of the central metropolitan hospital confirmed the words of the latter, telling reporters that immediately after the dispersal of the demonstrators, people began to come to them with gunshot wounds.

Also, according to some reports on September 1, a 12-year-old boy died, who accidentally turned out to be near the scene of the demonstration, as a result of a gunshot. In turn, representatives of the Red Cross reported that their employees from the river caught the body of one of the local residents, on whose body there were many traces of physical violence.

In conclusion, we note that 12 buses, dozens of stores and 2 railway cars were defeated in the capital of the riots in the capital.